Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is Communism?

Communism is a form of government found in China. The Chinese Government and officials believe that all citizens should have the same beliefs, amount of land, money etc. Religious persecution begun because of the communist party and a man named Mao Zedong.  Mao is a well known political leader that is known to be responsible for millions of deaths around China. He was born and raised Buddhist, and believes that all people in his country should follow any of the ancient religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. In his views any other religion should not be tolerated, it has been brought to such extremes that him and other leaders will imprison, harass, and even kill innocent people.

Mao Zedong

Chinese political leader, poet and statesman, founder of People's Republic of China. Mao Zedong's ideas varied between flexible pragmatism and Utopian visions, exemplified in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. His literary production contains mainly speeches, essays and poems. Mao published some 40 poems written in classical tradition with political message. Worshiped by millions, Mao is also considered one of the 20th century most brutal dictators. It has been estimated that he was responsible for well over 70 million deaths.

Mao was born in the village of Shoshana in the Hun an Province of China. At the age of six he began to work on his parents farm. His father, Mao Jen-sheng, was a peasant farmer, who beat his sons regularly. Mao's mother, Wen Chi-Mei, was a devout Buddhist. After graduating from a teacher's training in Changsha, Mao continued his studies at the University of Beijing, where he worked as an assistant at the library.  

During this period he discovered Marx, but also began to hate books and all things highly cultivated. Under the influence of Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, China's first major Marxist figures, Mao turned to Marxism. In 1921 Mao became a founding member of the Chinese Communist Party. During Bertrand Russell's visit to Hunan, he argued for the legitimacy of seizing power by force against Russell's reformist views. In the 1920s he concentrated on political work in his native Province and Jianxi Province. His highly pragmatic strategy was one of the main influences on Fidel Castro, when in 1959 he was able to take over Cuba with Che Guevara.

"The people are like water and the army is like fish," Mao wrote in Aspects of China's Anti-Japanese Struggle (1948). He recognized the revolutionary potential of the peasantry. Marx and Lenin had seen in their urban doctrine the working class as the leading revolutionary force. However, when first articulated, Mao's views were rejected by the Party in favor of orthodox policy. Mao himself was also an exception to the rule: he was one of only three peasants to gain control of his country throughout its long history - the others were the founders of the Han and Ming dynasties.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Over 200 Million Christians Worldwide are Living Under the Threat of Persecution!!!

Currently, over 200 million Christians worldwide are living under the threat of persecution.

Topping the list of countries which have mounted a campaign against Christians are China and Sudan followed by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Burma, Greece, Ethiopia, and Vietnam. (Washington Watch, May 1998). Increasing persecution is also found in Cuba, Laos, and North Korea.

Many Islamic-dominated nations have adopted a fanatical, militant doctrine of persecution against all “infidels.”

The militant Islamic Government of Sudan, for example, is waging a self-described religious war against Christian, non-Muslim, and moderate Muslim persons by using torture, starvation, enslavement, and murder. In Pakistan, the government has declared those that who “insult” Mohammed will be put to death. In Communist Laos more than 250 pastors and Christian workers have been arrested; more than 60 churches and Christian institutions have been shut down; and the government has forced many thousands of believers to sign documents to "renounce" their faith and belief in Christianity.

In Saudi Arabia there is no religious freedom. Apostasy is punishable by death. There are no public worship services for non-Muslims. Anyone who does mission work or converts Muslims faces expulsion, jail, or execution.

In countries near and far, people are being persecuted simply because of their faith. Hundreds of men and women are in prison serving sentences that range from a few months to life. They are not criminals who have robbed or murdered other citizens but Christians who were put on trial for their faith in Christ and found guilty. Christians are beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and murdered by those who are hostile to their faith in Jesus Christ.
Never before in American history have Christians experienced being hated for following Jesus Christ as
they are today.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Christians Beware

In China, religious persecution occurs everyday!  China is Communist, so if you follow any religion that is not part of the government like Hinduism, Buddhism, Or Taoism then you are fair game for the Government officials to harass, Imprison, or even kill you. Laws have been set to try and limit persecution in China. For example, if you want to start a Christian or Catholic church you must register it with the Government, and follow all of their specifications in order for it to be "legal".   Alot of the specifications include having a Buddhist sculpture and worshipping Gods of the Government's choice.

So most Christians and Catholics worship in an underground church where the Government is not informed. If the officials find out then Christians and Catholics are fair game for persecution.